‘Thank you‘ from Ray

Hi everyone, please see message from Ray thanking the Club for the card and book token we sent to say thank you for all his service over the past 25 years+ ⛸😊

Hello all,

I am sure you all get a lovely feeling when something nice comes in the post, I am no different!

Thank you very much for the card and the book token, I will cherish them and put the token to good use as soon as possible. May I say that my decision to resign as Test Organiser was not taken easily, I have had a great time working with very many skaters and their coaches over the years and I know I will miss that a lot. I hope that you will all be as nice to Sue Tweddell as you were to me.

My best wishes to you all for continued progress and success in your skating and your future life and thank you again.


Ray Rayner.