As some of you are already aware our BIS test organiser, Ray Rayner, who has been in the role for over 25 years (wow!!!), has decided that it is time to step down and hand over the baton to a new volunteer.
Everyone from WBISC would like to say a huge “THANK YOU!!!” to Ray for all his hard work and efforts in supporting our skaters with their personal development through the BIS test system over many years ⛸👏🥰
We would also like to welcome our new test organiser Sue Tweddell. Sue has been a WBISC committee member for many years as well as being our resident judge, so we know a lot of you will be familiar with Sue and we are sure you will all join us in wishing her the very best of luck in her new role at Whitley Bay! ⛸👍😊
See you all as soon as we are able to – stay safe folks! ⛸👋😊