Saturday 5th June 2021
12 – 1:00pm
Closing date: 22nd May 2021
Free for WBISC members, £10 for non-members
We are delighted to offer this free workshop to WBISC club adults members. Whitley Bay Ice Rink coaches will work with skaters to give them a boost on their return to the rink. We are able to offer this session free of charge due to a grant received from North Tyneside, however, we do ask for a commitment to attend if you sign up as spaces are limited.
This session is offered to our over 18 skaters who are finally returning to the ice this week.
We are excited to see you all back on the ice!
Due to Covid restrictions, numbers are limited, in the event of oversubscription a waiting list will apply.
If you are not currently a member of WBISC club, there is a £10 charge for the workshop. Alternatively you may wish to join the club first.
The workshop entry has now closed.