NOTICE OF 2019 Annual General Meeting
Venue to be confirmed at
Whitley Bay Ice Rink
Sunday 5th January 2020 9.15am
Dear Member,
You are invited to the above AGM. All posts are open to new nominations. If you require any information about any role, please contact me using the e-mail address in the next paragraph.
We are looking for Committee Members who are interested in and can commit to supporting the Club. If you have any nominations please let us have these in writing as soon as possible. Nominations should be returned to Mandy Kirby (c/o Whitley Bay Ice Rink), emailed to or handed to any Committee Member.
Please note Members must be 18 years and over to be eligible to vote i.e. a Senior Member or an adult over 18 years included in any Family Membership. However 16 and 17 year old Members could be invited to attend meetings on an ad hoc basis to express the views of our younger Members. Please give your name to any Committee Member if you wish to be considered. The AGM is an open meeting and we would therefore encourage all members to attend to put forward any suggestions or points of view that they wish to be discussed by the committee at future meetings, any proposals to be discussed must be received in writing by the Club before the 31st Dec 2019.
Any person wishing to be considered as a member of the Committee must agree to undergo a DBS check (previously a CRB check), if applicable, to satisfy Whitley Bay Ice Skating Club’s Child Protection Policy.
All nominations should be received by 31st December 2019, together with any proposals to be discussed under AOB. Please remember that any proposals need to be in writing and signed by the proposer and a seconder if they are to be brought up at the AGM.