Q&A with Adam Miller⛸🌟✨⛸

As some of you are already aware our very own Adam Miller is coming to Whitley Bay Ice Rink on Saturday 6th April to talk about his fabulous experiences as a professional ice skater.  Adam started his career at Whitley Bay Ice Skating Rink and Club before branching out further afield, and he hopes to pass on his enthusiasm for skating, and the exciting opportunities it could lead to, to our younger skaters at the rink.

The Q&A session will take place after the off-ice class at approx. 10.15am.  Those who are already at off-ice are very welcome to stay and hear what exciting things Adam has to tell you about.  For those who would like to attend but won’t already be at the off ice session you are very welcome, we would ask that you please either comment on here or email the club with the skaters name and we will let the office know so they can expect them.

Please note that there will be no access to the ice for those attending the talk, anyone wanting to skate afterwards will have to pay themselves into the public session as per rink rules.

We look forward to welcoming Adam and hearing all about his exciting Disney adventures!!!
