Club Trip to British Championships 1/12/18

Great News!!!
We are pleased to announce that we are once again in a position to offer our club members the chance to take part in a trip to the British Championships which are due to take place at the end November/beginning of December this year.  We hope that it will once again prove to be an inspirational trip as well as great fun for all!!!
The Club intends to buy tickets to watch the competitive skating on the last day of the competition which will take place on Saturday 1st of December, this will then be followed by a Best of British Gala on the Saturday evening.  The competition will take place between 12pm-6pm and the Gala will take place 7-9pm.
As per last year we intend to hire a coach to take people there and back.  This will leave W/Bay Ice Rink at around 9.30am and then leave Sheffield after the Gala at around 9.20pm returning back to W/Bay Ice Rink.  We appreciate that this will be a very late night but hopefully will be worth it for the experience!  Anyone not wanting to get the coach will have to arrange their own transport accordingly.  There will be a small charge if you wish to travel on the coach of £5 per person to help cover the cost of hiring the coach, this has been subsidised by the club this year to try and help keep costs down to a minimum.
Club members will be eligible for a free ticket for both the daytime Competition and the evening Gala, any non members wanting to go can take advantage of a discounted price of £20 for both if purchased through the club.  Please note that although the club is organising this trip it will be unsupervised, therefore anyone under the age of 18 will be required to attend with an appropriate adult chaperone who will be responsible for their child(ren) at all times.  Please also note that if an individual Junior membership is held then that will only entitle the skater themselves to a free ticket.
If you would like to take advantage of this great opportunity then please email the club with the member’s name, any additional tickets that are needed for chaperones/family members etc and whether you will be taking the coach (and if so how many seats will be needed on the coach).   We will also require contact details please in case we need to be in touch for any reason.  The deadline for Applications for the trip to be received by the Club is Monday 19th November latest so we have enough time to sort everything out.
Any payment due for tickets will need to be made asap please, preferably by direct payment into our bank a/c, or if that isn’t possible then by cheque or cash to a committee member.  However payment is made please make sure you email us to tell us exactly what has been paid for!
Should be great fun folks!!!