Sponsored Skate⛸💪😊

Well done everyone who attended our sponsored roller skate on Saturday to help us raise funds towards our Cash for Kids target – you were awesome!!!
Not only did we smash our target of 1000 laps but everyone had great fun doing the challenge (including some of the parents, grandparents and even a coach!!!), our kids were also very lucky to have the support of the Newcastle Roller Derby Team who helped our ice skaters master a new skill! There was even an impromptu Conga line at the end of the challenge for an extra bit of fun thanks to Allan D 😀 !!!
We would also like to thank everyone who donated towards our cake sale, we managed to raise £113.68 from sale of cakes and t-shirt donations on the days which is fantastic 🙂
Could we remind anyone who didn’t get to wear a Unicorn T-shirt on the day and wanted one that you can give us your details and for a small donation we will order you one in an appropriate size.
Could we also remind everyone that we need all sponsor money in by Friday 12th October, you can either hand sponsor form back with cash to a committee member or transfer the money in directly to our Cash for Kids page and then hand the sponsor form to a committee member.  Could we remind you that if you are paying in a lump sum directly online that relates to several different sponsors you do not tick the gift aid box as Cash for Kids will reclaim the gift aid from the individuals who have donated once they receive the sponsor forms off the club.
Here is a selection of photos of our awesome fundraisers from the day 👏😊