There have been some issues arising around the videoing of children at competitions held by the club. We do not want to have to stop people being able to video their children, we have therefore decided to put in place a few rules to help enable the club to fulfil their obligations to the children skating.
Videoing of the skater will only be permitted from allocated areas, these will be clearly marked at the competition. The permit issued by the club covers one person videoing, however the club recognises that there may be certain circumstances where more than one video is needed. If more than one person needs to video (up to a maximum of two) then permission must be sort and gained via email from the club before the morning of the competition. Any person videoing must make sure that there is no light on their equipment whilst filming as this can distract both skaters and judges.
We would like to thank people in advance for their co-operation and look forward to seeing you all at our competitions next year!