AGM Meeting 2014



11 JANUARY 2015




Ray Rayner, Rachael Richards, Olga Mironova, Donna Smith, Jackie Lowes, Alison Brown





Maddy Reed



Minutes of the Last Meeting


Rachael proposed these be accepted as read, Jackie seconded the motion.



Chairman’s Report


Rachael read out her report (see attached).


Rachael felt that the Festival Trophy was an excellent addition to the Club’s programme and would hopefully have more entrants this year.  She has also been asked about another adults competition, which she has proposed be added to the programme list in 2015.  In addition, Rachael suggested that the Annuals Competition could be extended to 9pm and include a party on the ice for members.


Rachael also congratulated the Committee for the club ending on a more secure financial footing.



Competition Secretaries’ Report


The report was read (see attached).


Dates for 2015 competitions at Whitley Bay have been booked with the Rink.  The dates are:


Spring Quarterlies – 28 February, ending at 9 am.

Festival Trophy – 17 May – 4 pm to 7 pm.

Annuals Competition – 28 June – 4 pm to 7 pm.

Autumn Quarterlies – 25 October – ending at 9 am.


Finance Report


Income and expenses report attached.  The Club made a profit of £137 in the year.


The Club has a total of £959.72 in cash and in the bank.  This is mainly thanks to increased membership numbers.



Election of Officers


No nominations were received for any post on the Committee.  The existing Committee members (except Jackie Lowes) agreed to stand for one further year in their current posts.


Laura Coates agreed to stand as Secretary.


Jackie Lowes and Mandy Kirby agreed to stand as Committee Members.


Rachael welcomed Laura and Mandy to the Committee.



Any Other Business


It was agreed that the membership fees would be unchanged in 2015.


Alison Brown agreed to take over the organisation of fund raising.



There being no further business, the meeting was closed.


WBISC Accounts 2014


Competition Secretarys Report